Why Buy Whole Beans?

The simple answer: Whole beans preserve the freshness of the coffee and will always produce a fresher and therefore, fuller tasting, higher quality cup. 

The science: Once coffee beans are ground, they are oxidized and the volatile aromas are immediately released. Within 15 minutes, 60% of the aromas are gone. 

What does this mean? Well, if you enjoy a full and flavorful cup, often frequent specialty shops and are used to their brews (for example, at Fundati we always fresh grind our beans), you will most likely taste the difference in a cup that has pre ground beans. 

The conclusion: It is all preference at the end of the day and totally up to you! If you can afford an extra minute or so in your brewing routine, and want that full flavor, grab a grinder and always buy whole beans. If you don’t mind the loss of flavor and prefer convenience, we won’t judge you for asking to pre grind the beans. 

We hope this helps! 

Check out our coffee bean selection!

Molly Messier

Molly Messier is a Providence-based creative director helping brands tell their story through artistic direction and strategic design. She is a visual storyteller and designer thinker guided by a distinctive point of view that celebrates art, travel, wellness and the mediterranean slow life.


The Pour Over Method


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