What Makes A Great Latte?

The most loved espresso beverage in America and how we serve it with care

The latte is a traditional espresso beverage consisting of espresso and milk at its base. The hot latte with steamed, whole milk that has a small and smooth layer of microfoam on top is the “standard”. 

The beautiful thing is, you can craft it into exactly what you need in the moment by changing and adding some variables. 

Do you prefer a hot or iced latte? Regular milk or a non dairy option? Coffee and milk straight up, a flavor, or sweetener to add? Cinnamon or Cocoa Powder on top? 

What makes it great, no matter the customization, are high quality components. 

Let’s dive into the components of a Fundati latte now and build a cup together: 

A hot, whole milk, vanilla latte

THE BASE: Our House Roasted and Blended Espresso Beans, ground fresh to brew, and the espresso shots brewed on our La Marzocco machine which requires care and attention from the barista 

THE FLAVOR: Add in our house vanilla bean syrup, which we make from scratch on the stove with unprocessed cane sugar in the raw, water, and vanilla bean

THE MILK: Our dairy milk is sourced from the local Wrights Dairy Farm. We steam it with care to ensure your sip includes a bit of micro foam

SERVING: While most of our beverages are served in to go cups, our choice would be a pre warmed mug and we would add in our touch of latte art to the pour 


Are you an iced latte all year kind of person and feeling left out?

We’ve got you covered! 

The iced method includes the same carefully brewed espresso and house made flavors. We mix these two together first in the cup always to ensure the flavors are balanced and not just sitting in the bottom of your cup. We then pour the milk in and give it a final stir. Iced goes in last so that we can properly measure the other components and ensure your cup does not get too watered down.

We hope you had fun learning about these details! 

Stop Into Our Shop To Try Your Favorite Latte!


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Where Does “Fundati” Come From?